BY REV Fr Ojo Joe. Let me quickly say the simple answer to the above question is no. But then, how come we see, many times wedding celebration of couples who are pregnant or have even given birth in the Catholic church? The answer to this question forms the basis of this write up. Since this article is meant to answer non catholics who want to know about catholics and catholics who want to know more about their Faith, I have taken for myself the authority of Jesus as written in the scripture only, that we all may come to know that, such wedding is not abomination to God, but a healing for damage of sin already committed. The Catholic church preaches strongly against sex before marriage. In fact, it is wrong for a man and woman to live together if they are not married. So if sex is a sin before marriage, then there should not be pregnancy in the first place. But then if the couple, for any reason we know not, had sex and it leads to pregnancy, The Church is careful not to give penalty t...
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