What is the life we all desire?
It is indeed common knowledge that everyone wants to be successful, everyone want to live their dreams and mentain steady growth, but the challenge is that they do not know what path to choose, and even in chosen fields they are bedeviled with doubt of choosing the right career, some are are roped in by results from poor decisions. It is also reality that we have desires and wants but, not everyone gets what they aspire and yearn for. An example is the place Hollywood, where a chunk of people visit every day and desire to live in to fulfill their dreams, but the sad truth is-off course not everyone can live at Hollywood because Hollywood won't contain all that yearn to go there.
It is indeed common knowledge that everyone wants to be successful, everyone want to live their dreams and mentain steady growth, but the challenge is that they do not know what path to choose, and even in chosen fields they are bedeviled with doubt of choosing the right career, some are are roped in by results from poor decisions. It is also reality that we have desires and wants but, not everyone gets what they aspire and yearn for. An example is the place Hollywood, where a chunk of people visit every day and desire to live in to fulfill their dreams, but the sad truth is-off course not everyone can live at Hollywood because Hollywood won't contain all that yearn to go there.
In order to succeed we have to therefore learn what others do differently, we have to learn how they have attained the good life, through which they have earned societal respect, the personae and that true state of satisfaction we all desire. Truth therefore is that:
In order to transform your life, it is important that you have a mentor, even more than one if you aspirations in some other fields are to be achieved. There is nothing you can achieve in life without following the footsteps of others, you can only add value what exist because you cannot create something new, So if you want to succeed you need to find the person that will help lead you to what you want. Mind the words "HELP YOU" and "WHAT YOU WANT" for they are your personal decisions.
In order to design your life, you have to find a person who has achieved to a large extent in the field you so desire to venture into. Picasso said, “Good artists copy but great artist steal”. Even your own life is as result of the grooming your parents gave you as child, their instructions and influence have much roots in your behavioural outcome today. Again as stated in the beginning of this paragraph, remember that you will never find all the answers from one person especially when you have different dreams and goals of life. A handful of people will provide you the best guidance.
2. Get the "Good life" , Reaching that height:
Everyone wants a good life but they rarely know what it is. So here are the four practical aspects that you should achieve for a good life:
•Health. Good health is the most important aspect of a good life, do everything possible to achieve good health because success without good health is living life in futility, to what end will your earnings be when you have no life, therefore be cautious what you consume as food, body system vary you must know what fluid suit you.
•Wealth is the second aspect.
most people say money doesn’t bring you happiness but while you have the wealth you sure will feel worthwhile and happy too, emarsing too much of it too could be so much pain you can avoid, everything is out of choice.
•Thirdly love. (Treasure this with your heart).
Without love, you cannot do much because it aids your receiving from others and vice-versa, in loving you are loved in return, it goes to wait for you and picks you up when sliding down the ladder. Loving is that eternal-saving that satisfies the inner soul, something in you just prompts you; that you are doing spectacular and extraodinary things to others, and the peace just flows in you. For Justus, love is pain. You nuture it, you groom it, your soul knows no bound when it radiates, you are immersed in it when it blooms.
•Contentment as the last aspect keeps you on the watch against anxiety, vicious lifestyle and keeps you focused especially when you need to reorganize yourself after a failed attempt because failure is part of successt too, there cannot be said to be real success without turbulent waters in all areas of human endeavour, contentment revives you and cautiously relaunch you to a whole new beginning devoid of much mistakes.
The practical steps to success.
To reach that level of success? Below are your practical guides!!!
1-The law of 33%:
Divide your life into 33% and spend through the following ways.
- 1. Mentors have the power to lead you through.
In order to transform your life, it is important that you have a mentor, even more than one if you aspirations in some other fields are to be achieved. There is nothing you can achieve in life without following the footsteps of others, you can only add value what exist because you cannot create something new, So if you want to succeed you need to find the person that will help lead you to what you want. Mind the words "HELP YOU" and "WHAT YOU WANT" for they are your personal decisions.
In order to design your life, you have to find a person who has achieved to a large extent in the field you so desire to venture into. Picasso said, “Good artists copy but great artist steal”. Even your own life is as result of the grooming your parents gave you as child, their instructions and influence have much roots in your behavioural outcome today. Again as stated in the beginning of this paragraph, remember that you will never find all the answers from one person especially when you have different dreams and goals of life. A handful of people will provide you the best guidance.
2. Get the "Good life" , Reaching that height:
Everyone wants a good life but they rarely know what it is. So here are the four practical aspects that you should achieve for a good life:
•Health. Good health is the most important aspect of a good life, do everything possible to achieve good health because success without good health is living life in futility, to what end will your earnings be when you have no life, therefore be cautious what you consume as food, body system vary you must know what fluid suit you.
•Wealth is the second aspect.
most people say money doesn’t bring you happiness but while you have the wealth you sure will feel worthwhile and happy too, emarsing too much of it too could be so much pain you can avoid, everything is out of choice.
•Thirdly love. (Treasure this with your heart).
Without love, you cannot do much because it aids your receiving from others and vice-versa, in loving you are loved in return, it goes to wait for you and picks you up when sliding down the ladder. Loving is that eternal-saving that satisfies the inner soul, something in you just prompts you; that you are doing spectacular and extraodinary things to others, and the peace just flows in you. For Justus, love is pain. You nuture it, you groom it, your soul knows no bound when it radiates, you are immersed in it when it blooms.
•Contentment as the last aspect keeps you on the watch against anxiety, vicious lifestyle and keeps you focused especially when you need to reorganize yourself after a failed attempt because failure is part of successt too, there cannot be said to be real success without turbulent waters in all areas of human endeavour, contentment revives you and cautiously relaunch you to a whole new beginning devoid of much mistakes.
The practical steps to success.
To reach that level of success? Below are your practical guides!!!
1-The law of 33%:
Divide your life into 33% and spend through the following ways.
- Spend 33% of your life with people lower than you and mentor them and they will help you back by making you feel good about yourself, it is the JUSTUS LOVE THEORY (Giving and receiving love).
- Spend the other 33% with people on your level they will be your friends.
- spend the rest of 33% with people 10 to 20 years ahead of you, though they will make you feel unconfortable but that is where you gather your strength and fortification against life challenges resulting from their coaching also resulting from consultation burn of innate desire to learn.
- Seek less knowledge from people of the Same margins as yourself, except listening to and smartly learning from their mistakes, other than that would be accepting the lead of fellows of the same range.
- Follow the 10X rule and find someone 10 times farther ahead of you because it is said and i quote "IF YOU ARE IN A ROOM WHERE YOU ARE THE WISEST, THEN YOU ARE IN THE WRONG ROOM".
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